Saturday, April 13, 2013


Hey hey!  Welcome to Tatters to Trousseau!  I'm usually awful at keeping-up with blogs, but fashion is something that I have a great deal of passion for, so I think I'll be better with this one. ;-)

So, what is this blog?  There are literally thousands of fashion and beauty blogs out there in the blogosphere... how is this one any different?  I have more clothes than I know what to do with, and I'm probably about 3 steps away from being on an episode of hoarders.  I haven't grown since about 7th grade, so I never HAVE to get new clothes, but who can resist the call of the wild shopping mall?  Of course I have given some old things away to charity... something about glittery hearts and butterflies doesn't quite seem to fit my personality anymore.  Also, I may not have gotten any taller, but I have definitely gotten fatter since I was 13. :-/

Well, that was a lovely summary of my history, but I still haven't answered the question.  How is this blog different from other fashion blogs?  I always had an inkling that my clothes would come back into style.  So even if I hadn't worn them for years, maybe, just maybe, they would be wearable.  Even if you haven't been hoarding clothes for the past 15 years like some people (ahem), I can show you how to take some of your old accouterments and make them new again!

Not only that, but I'm killer at bargain shopping.  I will share some of my best bargain finds, and help you make your own bargain buys.  Sometimes "bargain shopping" gets a bad rep.  You can get great, brand name stuff for awesome prices, even at stores like Macy's.

Thanks for reading, fashionistas!

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